
Use as a project

In the example below, replace MyProject with your root namespace(s).

Create a folder and a new console project in your solution directory.

mkdir MyProject.Build

dotnet new console -lang F# -o MyProject.Build

dotnet sln add MyProject.Build

Add a nuget reference to FsMake

// using paket
dotnet paket add --project MyProject.Build FsMake

// using nuget
dotnet add MyProject.Build package FsMake

Open MyProject.Build/Program.fs and replace its contents with:

open FsMake

let main argv =
    let restore =
        Step.create "restore" {
            do! Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "restore" ] |> Cmd.run

    let build =
        Step.create "build" {
            do! Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "build" ] |> Cmd.run

    Pipelines.create {
        let! build =
            Pipeline.create "build" {
                run restore
                run build

        default_pipeline build
    |> Pipelines.runWithArgs argv

To run your build:

dotnet run --project MyProject.Build --
namespace FsMake
Multiple items
type EntryPointAttribute = inherit Attribute new: unit -> EntryPointAttribute
<summary>Adding this attribute to a function indicates it is the entrypoint for an application. If this attribute is not specified for an EXE then the initialization implicit in the module bindings in the last file in the compilation sequence are used as the entrypoint.</summary>

new: unit -> EntryPointAttribute
val main: argv: string[] -> int
val argv: string[]
val restore: Step
Multiple items
module Step from FsMake
<summary> Module for creating and working with steps. </summary>

type Step = { Name: string Make: Make<unit> }
<summary> Represents a pipeline step. </summary>
val create: name: string -> Step.Builder
<summary> Creates a step using a <see cref="T:FsMake.StepModule.Builder" /> computation expression. </summary>
<param name="name">The name of the step.</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:FsMake.StepModule.Builder" />.</returns>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let emptyStep = Step.create "emptyStep" { () } </code></example>
module Cmd from FsMake
<summary> Module for building and executing commands or processes. </summary>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let step = Step.create "mStep" { do! Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "build" ] |&gt; Cmd.run let! result = Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "gitversion" ] |&gt; Cmd.result printfn "%s" result.Output.Std } </code></example>
val createWithArgs: cmd: string -> args: string list -> Cmd.CmdOptions<unit>
<summary> Creates a <see cref="T:FsMake.Cmd.CmdOptions`1" /> with a command to run. </summary>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let cmd = Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "build"; "--no-restore" ] </code></example>
<param name="cmd">The command to run.</param>
<param name="args">A list of arguments to be passed to the command.</param>
<returns>The new <see cref="T:FsMake.Cmd.CmdOptions`1" />.</returns>
val run: opts: Cmd.CmdOptions<'a> -> ctx: MakeContext -> Result<unit,MakeError>
<summary> Runs a command/process with the specified options. </summary>
<param name="opts">The <see cref="T:FsMake.Cmd.CmdOptions`1" />.</param>
<param name="ctx">The <see cref="T:MakeContext" /> of the current <see cref="T:Make`1" />.</param>
<typeparam name="'a">The command output type.</typeparam>
<returns>The result.</returns>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let build = Step.create "build" { do! Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "build" ] |&gt; Cmd.run } </code></example>
val build: Step
Multiple items
module Pipelines from FsMake
<summary> Module for creating and working with <see cref="T:Pipelines" />. </summary>

type Pipelines = { Default: Pipeline option Pipelines: Pipeline list StepPrefix: PrefixOption }
<summary> Represents a set of pipelines and settings. </summary>
val create: Pipelines.Builder
<summary> Use a computation expression builder to define <see cref="T:Pipelines" />. </summary>
<returns>A <see cref="T:Pipelines.Builder" />.</returns>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let clean = Step.create "clean" { () } let build = Step.create "build" { () } let testUnit = Step.create "test:unit" { () } let testInt = Step.create "test:integration" { () } let pipelines = Pipelines.create { // adds the build pipeline to the `Pipelines` let! build = Pipeline.create "build" { run clean run build } // adds the test pipeline to the <see cref="Pipelines" /> do! Pipeline.createFrom build "test" { run_parallel [ testUnit; testInt ] } default_pipeline build } </code></example>
val build: Pipeline
Multiple items
module Pipeline from FsMake
<summary> Module for creating and working with a <see cref="T:Pipeline" />. </summary>

type Pipeline = { Name: string Description: string option Stages: Stage list }
<summary> Represents a pipeline and its stages. </summary>
val create: name: string -> Pipeline.Builder
<summary> Creates a pipeline using a <see cref="T:FsMake.PipelineModule.Builder" /> computation expression. </summary>
<param name="name">The name of the pipeline.</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:FsMake.PipelineModule.Builder" />.</returns>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let emptyStep = Step.create "emptyStep" { () } let pipeline = Pipeline.create "pipeline" { run emptyStep } </code></example>
custom operation: run (Step) Calls Pipeline.Builder.RunStep
<summary> Adds a <see cref="T:Step" /> that will always be run. </summary>
<param name="state">Unused.</param>
<param name="step">The <see cref="T:Step" /> to add.</param>
custom operation: default_pipeline (Pipeline) Calls Pipelines.Builder.DefaultPipeline
<summary> Sets the default <see cref="T:Pipeline" /> to be run when a pipeline is not specified in the arguments. </summary>
<param name="state">The current state of the computation expression.</param>
<param name="pipeline">The <see cref="T:Pipeline" /> to be used as the default.</param>
<typeparam name="'a">The types of the variables in the computation expression's state.</typeparam>
<returns>Updated computation expression state.</returns>
val runWithArgs: args: string[] -> pipelines: Pipelines -> int
<summary> Runs a <see cref="T:Pipeline" /> from the given <c>pipelines</c> based on the command line arguments given in <c>args</c>. <para> Based on success or failure, returns a <c>0</c> or <c>1</c> exit code. </para></summary>
<param name="args">Command line arguments to be parsed.</param>
<param name="pipelines"><see cref="T:Pipelines" /> definition.</param>