
Use with paket load scripts

In your paket.dependencies file, add the following:

group build
    storage: none
    framework: netcoreapp3.1
    source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json

    nuget FsMake

Add the following to your build.cmd & build.sh:

dotnet paket generate-load-scripts --group build

Create a build.fsx file at the root of your solution:

#load ".paket/load/netcoreapp3.1/build/build.group.fsx"

open FsMake

let restore =
    Step.create "restore" {
        do! Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "restore" ] |> Cmd.run

let build =
    Step.create "build" {
        do! Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "build" ] |> Cmd.run

Pipelines.create {
    let! build =
        Pipeline.create "build" {
            run restore
            run build

    default_pipeline build
|> Pipelines.runWithArgsAndExit argv

To run your build:

dotnet fsi build.fsx --
namespace FsMake
val restore: Step
Multiple items
module Step from FsMake
<summary> Module for creating and working with steps. </summary>

type Step = { Name: string Make: Make<unit> }
<summary> Represents a pipeline step. </summary>
val create: name: string -> Step.Builder
<summary> Creates a step using a <see cref="T:FsMake.StepModule.Builder" /> computation expression. </summary>
<param name="name">The name of the step.</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:FsMake.StepModule.Builder" />.</returns>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let emptyStep = Step.create "emptyStep" { () } </code></example>
module Cmd from FsMake
<summary> Module for building and executing commands or processes. </summary>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let step = Step.create "mStep" { do! Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "build" ] |&gt; Cmd.run let! result = Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "gitversion" ] |&gt; Cmd.result printfn "%s" result.Output.Std } </code></example>
val createWithArgs: cmd: string -> args: string list -> Cmd.CmdOptions<unit>
<summary> Creates a <see cref="T:FsMake.Cmd.CmdOptions`1" /> with a command to run. </summary>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let cmd = Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "build"; "--no-restore" ] </code></example>
<param name="cmd">The command to run.</param>
<param name="args">A list of arguments to be passed to the command.</param>
<returns>The new <see cref="T:FsMake.Cmd.CmdOptions`1" />.</returns>
val run: opts: Cmd.CmdOptions<'a> -> ctx: MakeContext -> Result<unit,MakeError>
<summary> Runs a command/process with the specified options. </summary>
<param name="opts">The <see cref="T:FsMake.Cmd.CmdOptions`1" />.</param>
<param name="ctx">The <see cref="T:MakeContext" /> of the current <see cref="T:Make`1" />.</param>
<typeparam name="'a">The command output type.</typeparam>
<returns>The result.</returns>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let build = Step.create "build" { do! Cmd.createWithArgs "dotnet" [ "build" ] |&gt; Cmd.run } </code></example>
val build: Step
Multiple items
module Pipelines from FsMake
<summary> Module for creating and working with <see cref="T:Pipelines" />. </summary>

type Pipelines = { Default: Pipeline option Pipelines: Pipeline list StepPrefix: PrefixOption }
<summary> Represents a set of pipelines and settings. </summary>
val create: Pipelines.Builder
<summary> Use a computation expression builder to define <see cref="T:Pipelines" />. </summary>
<returns>A <see cref="T:Pipelines.Builder" />.</returns>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let clean = Step.create "clean" { () } let build = Step.create "build" { () } let testUnit = Step.create "test:unit" { () } let testInt = Step.create "test:integration" { () } let pipelines = Pipelines.create { // adds the build pipeline to the `Pipelines` let! build = Pipeline.create "build" { run clean run build } // adds the test pipeline to the <see cref="Pipelines" /> do! Pipeline.createFrom build "test" { run_parallel [ testUnit; testInt ] } default_pipeline build } </code></example>
val build: Pipeline
Multiple items
module Pipeline from FsMake
<summary> Module for creating and working with a <see cref="T:Pipeline" />. </summary>

type Pipeline = { Name: string Description: string option Stages: Stage list }
<summary> Represents a pipeline and its stages. </summary>
val create: name: string -> Pipeline.Builder
<summary> Creates a pipeline using a <see cref="T:FsMake.PipelineModule.Builder" /> computation expression. </summary>
<param name="name">The name of the pipeline.</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:FsMake.PipelineModule.Builder" />.</returns>
<example><code lang="fsharp"> let emptyStep = Step.create "emptyStep" { () } let pipeline = Pipeline.create "pipeline" { run emptyStep } </code></example>
custom operation: run (Step) Calls Pipeline.Builder.RunStep
<summary> Adds a <see cref="T:Step" /> that will always be run. </summary>
<param name="state">Unused.</param>
<param name="step">The <see cref="T:Step" /> to add.</param>
custom operation: default_pipeline (Pipeline) Calls Pipelines.Builder.DefaultPipeline
<summary> Sets the default <see cref="T:Pipeline" /> to be run when a pipeline is not specified in the arguments. </summary>
<param name="state">The current state of the computation expression.</param>
<param name="pipeline">The <see cref="T:Pipeline" /> to be used as the default.</param>
<typeparam name="'a">The types of the variables in the computation expression's state.</typeparam>
<returns>Updated computation expression state.</returns>
val runWithArgsAndExit: args: string[] -> pipelines: Pipelines -> unit
<summary> Runs a <see cref="T:Pipeline" /> from the given <c>pipelines</c> based on the command line arguments given in <c>args</c>. <para> Based on success or failure, exits the process with a <c>0</c> or <c>1</c> exit code. </para></summary>
<param name="args">Command line arguments to be parsed.</param>
<param name="pipelines"><see cref="T:Pipelines" /> definition.</param>