
Pipelines Module

Module for creating and working with Pipelines.


Type Description


A Pipelines computation expression builder. do! and let! in the computation expression add a pipeline to the Pipelines being built.

Functions and values

Function or value Description


Full Usage: create

Returns: Builder A Builder.

Use a computation expression builder to define Pipelines.

Returns: Builder

A Builder.


 let clean = Step.create "clean" { () }
 let build = Step.create "build" { () }
 let testUnit = Step.create "test:unit" { () }
 let testInt = Step.create "test:integration" { () }

 let pipelines =
     Pipelines.create {
         // adds the build pipeline to the `Pipelines`
         let! build = Pipeline.create "build" {
             run clean
             run build

         // adds the test pipeline to the 
         do! Pipeline.createFrom build "test" {
             run_parallel [ testUnit; testInt ]

         default_pipeline build

runWithArgs args pipelines

Full Usage: runWithArgs args pipelines

    args : string[] - Command line arguments to be parsed.
    pipelines : Pipelines - Pipelines definition.

Returns: int

Runs a Pipeline from the given pipelines based on the command line arguments given in args.

Based on success or failure, returns a 0 or 1 exit code.

args : string[]

Command line arguments to be parsed.

pipelines : Pipelines

Pipelines definition.

Returns: int

runWithArgsAndExit args pipelines

Full Usage: runWithArgsAndExit args pipelines

    args : string[] - Command line arguments to be parsed.
    pipelines : Pipelines - Pipelines definition.

Runs a Pipeline from the given pipelines based on the command line arguments given in args.

Based on success or failure, exits the process with a 0 or 1 exit code.

args : string[]

Command line arguments to be parsed.

pipelines : Pipelines

Pipelines definition.